The effect of Crohn's disease NOD2 mutations on cytokine secretion

Study code

Lead researcher
Professor Andrew Smith

Study type
Participant re-contact

Institution or company
University College London

Researcher type

Speciality area


This study will try to gain an understanding of how alterations in a molecule called NOD2 alters the immune response in individuals with Crohn’s disease. The reasons why some people develop Crohn’s disease is still not fully understood. We do know that if an individual inherits a defective gene called NOD2 then they are more likely to develop Crohn’s disease. A defective NOD2 results in an alteration in the immune response to bacteria, which is believed to be responsible for the development of Crohn’s disease.

Exactly how NOD2 influences the immune response and what goes wrong in people that inherit the defective gene is still unclear. Therefore, this study aims to fill in some of these gaps in our knowledge. In particular, the study will assess the impact of the defective gene on the immune response in patients with Crohn’s disease.