Determining the link between individual variation in DNA code and the function of blood cells; particularly monocytes and the genetic risk of atherosclerosis
Study code
Lead researcher
Professor Martin Bennett
Study type
Participant re-contact
Institution or company
University of Cambridge
Researcher type
Speciality area
Cardiovascular Disease
Recruitment Site
Coronary disease is a progressive condition that results in the narrowing of vessels supplying blood to the heart (atherosclerosis) and can lead to heart attacks.
This project will study the role of genes that regulate certain functions in blood cells which may lead to coronary disease and has the potential to identify novel mechanisms in this disease process.
Participation: For this study we recruited 40 participants (20 pairs matched for age and gender) from the Cambridge BioResource between the ages of 18 and 65 to give a 50ml blood sample.
Organisation: This study is organised by Professor Martin Bennett at the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine at Addenbrooke's Hospital.