Site Codes

If you require site codes or additional information, please email - thank you. 


Research Tissue Bank - Generic (GEN-IBHO-DCYPHR)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (RTB-IBD)

Paediatric IBD (RTB-PBD)

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD, RTB-NAF)

Rare Disease study Cohort (RDC)


COVID Clinical Neuroscience Study (RTB-CNS) (COVID-CNS)

COVID under 40’s (RTB-C40)

Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases (IMID, RTB-IMI)


Please note you might need to scroll up or across the spreadsheet list if you cannot see entries.

You must find the appropriate 3- or 5-digit site code for the study to which the participant is being recruited and write it on the Sample Linkage Form (SLF: pdf format).

Please note: BioResource codes differ between projects.  If you/your team recruit to more than one BioResource project, you must check each list for the appropriate site code.

To preserve the integrity of the information in the lists, you will not be able to copy or paste from or to the spreadsheets. Any changes will be notified to the affected sites directly, where applicable.