Working with schools
We work with a network of schools across England to raise awareness for the DNA, Children + Young People’s Health Resource (D-CYPHR) amongst students, parents and teachers and highlight the benefits of young people taking part in research.
Our schools programme was co-created and first delivered with Anna Freud, a world-leading mental health charity focused on support for children, young people and families, and with United Learning.
If you think your school can help find participant families for research for ages 0 -15 email:

What are schools and young people saying?
"The students and staff were so impressed. It was great to see the students engaging and so inspired."
KS3/KS4 School Health & Wellbeing Manager, Sussex
"Thank you again for the marvellous session you ran for our Junior STEM Club!"
KS3 Teacher, Cambridgeshire
"I love science and if I can contribute to helping people through my passion, then that makes me very happy."
Young Ambassador, Evie

Our schools story
The D-CYPHR health research programme is made with and for children and young people, schools were an integral part in the planning and launch of D-CYPHR. Our initial partnership with Anna Freud and an initial network of six schools across England helped us build the programme during our two year pilot phase.
It was vital to get feedback and ideas from young people, parents and those working closely with children, such as teachers and school staff, to help shape D-CYPHR. We learned so much and we couldn't have made this national programme without our schools network.
We are continuing to work with schools that are interested in helping us raise awareness of D-CYPHR and the role that young people can play in health research. If your school is interested to get involved, please contact the team on:
Dr Xand van Tulleken visits CAST
The Cambridge Academy for Science and Technology (CAST) is one of the many schools in the United Learning group that have supported D-CYPHR.
We ran a special assembly for Year 9 students on genetics and health research kindly led by Dr Xand van Tulleken, a key supporter of the programme.
Dr Xand struck up a conversation with one young D-CYPHR volunteer and CAST student, Dylan, who shared his health journey and why he joined D-CYPHR.

Get involved
We want to inspire young people to get thinking about and joining in with health research. This is more important than ever, with new healthcare discoveries emerging all the time.
What about ground-breaking health science inspires your students? Are they interested in STEM careers? Do they have a passion for health equity for their community?
Our schools ask:
Work with your community
Help us find participant families for childhood health research. Every family who gets involved is helping create a better future for childhood and life-long health.
Be a health diversity champion
To date, more than 80% of people in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are of European descent. This is having an enormous effect on the quality of research and healthcare for many communities. School champions raise awareness for the need for diversity in research and help get families involved.
Inspire STEM ambitions
Many of the young people involved in D-CYPHR are budding scientists, nurses and doctors – alongside health equity we ask schools to inspire STEM ambition. Talking about health science in the classroom can have a big impact. We have also run classes on genetics and health research for schools working closely with us.
Give us feedback
Give us feedback via a questionnaire or phone call on how your school benefitted from being involved. As a public funded organisation this is an essential part of our practice and helps us improve our schools work.
UN Rights of the Child workshop - Regis School
The amazing Participation Team at Anna Freud led a workshop with students at the Regis School on the UN Rights of the Child.
"Article 12: Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them."
"Article 24: Every child has the right to the best possible health."

Thousands have joined D-CYPHR so far. Could your school be part of these stats?
PRIMARY - 55% of children who have joined are primary school age
SECONDARY - 31% of children who have joined are secondary school age
56% of young people who have joined have no health condition
Every child who has joined is helping real health research in the UK