Patient Representative - NIHR BioResource
Prof. Guruprasad Aithal
BioResource Lead - NIHR Nottingham BRC
Rare Disease Lead - NIHR Maudsley BRC, Neurology & Complex Disease Genetics - King's College London
Dr. Indi Banerjee
University of Manchester
Rare Disease Lead – NIHR Southampton, Genomic Medicine - University of Southampton
Rare Disease Lead – NIHR Birmingham BRC and CRF, Paediatrics and Child Health - University of Birmingham
Luke Barron
NIHR Sheffield Biomedical Research Centre Operations Manager
Hannah Bennett
Dr. Julie Bieles
Oxford Health BRC- TRC Manager
Prof. Matthew Bown
BioResource Lead – NIHR Leicester BRC and CRF
Co-Chair and Chief Investigator - NIHR BioResource
Mental Health BioResource Lead – NIHR Maudsley BRC, Psychiatric Genetics - King's College London
IMID BioResource Co-Lead, Rheumatology Chair - The University of Manchester
Rare Disease Lead – NIHR Central Manchester BRC and CRF, Senior Clinical Lecturer - The University of Manchester
IMID BioResource Co-Lead, Clinical Professor of Rheumatology - The University of Manchester
Co-Chair - NIHR BioResource, NIHR Cambridge BRC
Prof. Nichola Cooper
BioResource Lead - NIHR Imperial BRC
Rare Disease Lead – NIHR Barts BRC, Cardiovascular Genomics - Queen Mary University London
BioResource Lead – NIHR Central Manchester BRC and CRF, Medical Genetics and Cancer Epidemiology - The University of Manchester
BioResource Lead – NIHR Southampton BRC and CRF, Paediatric Immunology - University of Southampton
Patient Representative - NIHR BioResource
Mattia Frontini
University of Exeter
Head of External Relations - NIHR Office for Clinical Research Infrastructure (NOCRI)
Public Health England
Prof. Henry Houlden
Rare Disease Lead – NIHR UCLH BRC
Director of Research - Genetic Alliance UK
Rare Disease Lead – NIHR Birmingham BRC and CRF
IMID BioResource Co-Lead - NIHR Newcastle BRC and CRF, Clinical Rheumatology - Newcastle University
Anthony Khawaja
BioResource Lead – NIHR Moorfields BRC and CRF
Director - NIHR BioResource
Prof. Gerry McCann
BioResource Lead – NIHR Leicester BRC and CRF
Prof. Philip McGuire
Oxford Health BRC
Rare Disease Lead –NIHR Newcastle BRC and CRF, Senior Lecturer
NAFLD BioResource Lead NIHR Birmingham BRC and CRF, Experimental Hepatology - University of Birmingham
IBD BioResource Lead - NIHR Cambridge BRC, Consultant Gastroenterologist - Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge
Chrysia-Maria Pegasiou-Davies
Senior Research Manager - CCF
Associate Medical Director - NHS Blood and Transplant
Rare Disease Lead – NIHR Leeds BRC, Clinical Associate Professor - University of Leeds
Rare Disease Lead – NIHR Exeter CRF, Cardiovascular Sciences - University of Exeter
NIHR BioResource – Operations Lead
Dr. Sara Trompeter
Prof. Arthur Tucker
BioResource Lead - NIHR Barts BRC
Dr. Laura Turner
Deputy Operational Lead at GOSH
Prof. Holm Uhlig
BioResource Lead - NIHR Oxford BRC
Prof. Thomas Voit
BioResource Lead - NIHR GOSH BRC
BioResource Lead – NIHR Moorfields BRC and CRF, Molecular Ophthalmology - UCL
Hannah Williams
NIHR BioResource - Research Studies Recall Manager
Dr. Horace Williams
BioResource Lead - NIHR Imperial BRC
Xi Ye
Experimental Medicine Programme Lead
Nikki Adams
Patient Representative - NIHR BioResource
Prof. Ammar Al-Chalabi
Rare Disease Lead - NIHR Maudsley BRC, Neurology & Complex Disease Genetics - King's College London
Prof. Diana Baralle
Rare Disease Lead – NIHR Southampton, Genomic Medicine - University of Southampton
Prof. Timothy Barrett
Rare Disease Lead – NIHR Birmingham BRC and CRF, Paediatrics and Child Health - University of Birmingham
Prof. John Bradley
Co-Chair and Chief Investigator - NIHR BioResource
Prof. Gerome Breen
Mental Health BioResource Lead – NIHR Maudsley BRC, Psychiatric Genetics - King's College London
Prof. Ian Bruce
IMID BioResource Co-Lead, Rheumatology Chair - The University of Manchester
Dr. Tracey Briggs
Rare Disease Lead – NIHR Central Manchester BRC and CRF, Senior Clinical Lecturer - The University of Manchester
Prof. Maya Buch
IMID BioResource Co-Lead, Clinical Professor of Rheumatology - The University of Manchester
Prof. Patrick Chinnery
Co-Chair - NIHR BioResource, NIHR Cambridge BRC
Prof. Panos Deloukas
Rare Disease Lead – NIHR Barts BRC, Cardiovascular Genomics - Queen Mary University London
Prof. Gareth Evans
BioResource Lead – NIHR Central Manchester BRC and CRF, Medical Genetics and Cancer Epidemiology - The University of Manchester
Prof. Saul Faust
BioResource Lead – NIHR Southampton BRC and CRF, Paediatric Immunology - University of Southampton
Rosanna Fennessy
Patient Representative - NIHR BioResource
Dr. Matthew Hallsworth
Head of External Relations - NIHR Office for Clinical Research Infrastructure (NOCRI)
Steven Hardy
Public Health England
Dr. Amy Hunter
Director of Research - Genetic Alliance UK
Dr. Jan Idkowiak
Rare Disease Lead – NIHR Birmingham BRC and CRF
Prof. John Isaacs
IMID BioResource Co-Lead - NIHR Newcastle BRC and CRF, Clinical Rheumatology - Newcastle University
Dr. Nathalie Kingston
Director - NIHR BioResource
Dr. Christopher Morris
Rare Disease Lead –NIHR Newcastle BRC and CRF, Senior Lecturer
Prof. Philip Newsome
NAFLD BioResource Lead NIHR Birmingham BRC and CRF, Experimental Hepatology - University of Birmingham
Prof. Miles Parkes
IBD BioResource Lead - NIHR Cambridge BRC, Consultant Gastroenterologist - Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge
Prof. David Roberts
Associate Medical Director - NHS Blood and Transplant
Dr. Sinisa Savic
Rare Disease Lead – NIHR Leeds BRC, Clinical Associate Professor - University of Leeds
Prof. Angela Shore
Rare Disease Lead – NIHR Exeter CRF, Cardiovascular Sciences - University of Exeter
Hannah Stark
NIHR BioResource – Operations Lead
Prof. Andrew Webster
BioResource Lead – NIHR Moorfields BRC and CRF, Molecular Ophthalmology - UCL